Ngakarimojong: Time
Telling Time:
Esaa: hour
Adakika (sing.)/ngadakikae (pl.): minutes(s)
Atutubet: half
As in other East African languages such as Swahili, Acholi and Luganda, there is a difference of six hours between Ngakarimojong time and English time.
Esaa ngolo k’epei (lit. first hour): 7 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngiarei (second hour): 8 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngiuni (third hour): 9 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngiomwon (fourth hour): 10 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo ngikan (fifth hour): 11 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngikanikapei (sixth hour): 12 p.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngikanikaarei (seventh hour): 1 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngikanikauni (eighth hour): 2 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngikanikaomwon (ninth hour): 3 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngitomon (tenth hour): 4 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngitomon ka epei (eleventh hour): 5 a.m./p.m.
Esaa ngolo a ngitomon ka ngiarei (twelfth hour): 6 a.m./p.m.
Sample sentences:
Acami ayong akiryamun ka iyes esaa ngolo a ngikanikaarei ka atutubet akiyan ngatukisio alore yok.
- I want to meet with you all at 1:30 to discuss the problems of our homestead.
Itemokino iyong tolot namoni aryamun emaanik ngolo adokinit alo nawii kon bien esaa ngolo k’epei.
- You must go to the bush to find the bull that escaped from your kraal at seven o’clock yesterday.
Important Vocabulary:
Erwait (sing.)/ngirwa (pl.): day
Esabit: week
Akamu: dry season
Akiporo: rainy season
Elap (sing.)/ngilapio (pl.): month
Ekaru (sing.)/ngikaru (pl.): year
Nakwar na: today
Tokona: Now
Bien: yesterday
Taparac: tomorrow
Bien nace: the day before yesterday
Taparac nace: the day after tomorrow
Ngoon nginacekwar: a few days ago
Paaran: A little while ago
Napaaran: by day
Nakware: by night
Kanuan: in the olden days
Kolong sek/kocoolong: long ago
Atipei: quickly
Dopetei: rarely
Jwijwi: always
Jik: forever
Rwanu: in the near future
Mwonan: in the distant future
Sample Sentences:
Anyami ayong atap dopetei, anerai mam nyamina ayong eburet kode ngiimwa.
- I rarely eat atap, because I don’t like maize or sorghum.
Rwanu abuni ayong akilot lo Kampala akisyom arakau edakitar losukul a Makerere University.
- In the future, I will go to Kampala to study to be a doctor at Makerere University.
Apogakinit ekarikon akitojokiar ngisukulo Najie atipei, nait eroko emamete ngabukyo.
- The politician has promised to quickly improve the schools in Najie, but there are still no books.
Kanuan nooi, ayai egurigur kiding ata papaa a Ngijie ka ngikasikou a Ngikarimojong, kongina alosito ata papaa a Ngijie Najie akiboi ama.
- Long ago, there was a dispute between the ancestors of the Jie and the the elders of the Karimojong, so the ancestors of the Jie went to live in Najie.
Months of the Year:
Lokwang: January
Lodunge: February
Lomaruk: March
Titima: April
Eliel: May
Lomodokogee: June
Losuban: July
Lotyak: August
Lolongu: September
Lopo; October
Lorara: November
Lomuk: December