Arabic – Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)
Using Language in the Kitchen
One of the most interesting parts of exploring a new culture and new country includes experiencing its food. An even better way to dive deeper into a region’s culture is through cooking. While I have spent much time studying Arabic words related to my interests, politics, and literature I have spent far less time using the necessary words in Arabic needed to maneuver around a kitchen. The following includes necessary phrases and words for Arabic users, like me, who are eager to put their language to practical use when ordering a meal or even dining at home.
Kitchen Items[1]:
Kitchen | اَلمَطبَخُ | Matbakh |
Oven | فُرنٌ | Furn |
Pot | قِدرٌ | Qidrun |
Knife | سِکِّینٌ | Sikkeen |
Fire | نارٌ | Naar |
Cup | کَوبٌ | Kowb |
Smoke | دِخانٌ | Dikhaan |
Frying Pan | مِقلاۃٌ | Miqlaatun |
Spoon | ملعقةٌ | mil’aqahun |
Fork | شوكة | shawkah |
Grill | مِشواۃٌ | Mishwaatun |
Towel | فَوطَۃٌ | Fowtatun |
Tea Pot | بَرَّادَۃٌ | Barradatun |
Bottle | قِنِینَۃٌ | Qineenatun |
Plate | طبق | Tabaq |
Bowl | زبدية | zubddiyah |
1.) قدر /qidr/ pot
هذا القدر عمره عشر سنوات
/hathā al-qidru umruhu ašru sanawāt/
This pot is ten years old.
2.) مقلاة /miqlāh/ frying pan
البصل يقلى فى المقلاة
/al-basalu yuqlā fil-miqlāh/
The onions are sautéed in the frying pan.
3.) سكين /sikkīn/ knife
هل يمكنك أن تمررلي السكين؟
/hal yumkinuka ʾan tumarrira lī as-sikkīn?/
Could you pass me the knife?
4.) شوكة /shawkah/ Fork
الشوكة على طبق
/šawkah alā tabaq/
The fork is on a plate.
Activity: Write sentences using the new vocabulary above.
Food Items:
food | طعام | Ta3aam | |
foods | مأكولات | ma’kuulaat | |
breakfast | فطور | faTuur | |
lunch | غداء | ġadaa’ | |
dinner | عشاء | 3ašaa’ | |
to eat | أكل – يأكل (أكل) | akala – yaa’kulu (akl) | |
to drink | شرب – يشرب (شرب) | šariba – yašrabu (šurb) | |
water | ماء | maa’ | |
tea | شاي | šaay | |
coffee | قهوة | qahwa | |
milk | حليب | Haliib | |
fruit | فاكهة (ج) فواكه | faakiha (pl.) fawaakih | |
apple | تفّاح | tuffaaH | |
orange | برتقال | burtuqaal | |
banana | موز | mooz | |
lemon | ليمون | laymuun | |
lime | ليمون حامض | laymuun HaamiD | |
watermelon | بطّيخ | baTTiix | |
cantaloupe | بطّيخ أصفر | baTTiix aSfar | |
strawberry | فراولة | farawla | |
cherry | كرز | karaz | |
grape | عنب | 3inab | |
pomegranate | رمّان | rummaan | |
olive | زيتون | zeituun | |
carrot | جزر | jazar | |
cauliflower | قرنبيط | qarnabiiT | |
lettuce | خسّ | xass | |
cucumber | خيار | xiyaar | |
zucchini | كوسا | kuusa | |
cabbage | كرمب | krumb | |
peas | بازلاء | baazilaa’ | |
onion | بصل | baSal | |
garlic | ثوم | tuum | |
chicken | دجاج | dajaaj | |
lamb | لحم الخروف | laHm al-xaruuf | |
beef | لحم البقر | laHm al-baqar | |
turkey | ديك رومي | diik ruumi | |
fish | سمك | samak | |
pork | لحم الخنزير | laHm al-xanziir | |
bread | خبز | xubz | |
rice | أرزّ | aruzz | |
pasta | مكرونة | makaruuna | |
egg | بيض | beiD | |
desserts, sweets | حلويات | Helawiyaat | |
Example Sentences:
Are you thirsty? | هل انت عطشان؟ |
I’m hungry | أنا جائع |
Breakfast is ready | الإفطار جاهز |
What kind of food do you like? | أي نوع من الطعام تحب؟ |
I like cheese | أنا أحب الجبن |
I don’t like cucumber | أنا لا أحب الخيار |
I like bananas | أنا أحب الموز |
Activity: Using the examples and the vocabulary list above, create your own sentences in Arabic.
[1] See for more words and examples. Many of the words and examples can be found on this webpage.