Weather is a central part of conversation, particularly for farming communities. Below is a short list of important vocabulary to begin speaking about weather.
yanayi | weather/conditions |
sanyi | cold |
zafi | hot |
damina | rain |
bazara | dry |
yanzu | now |
me yasa | why |
wahala | to suffer |
Read the conversation below and try to answer the questions that follow:
(two friends talking on the phone, Ibrahima was in Wisconsin for over a year and Cheihk is unsure if he is back in Nigeria. He is also curious about the weather in Wisconsin)
Cheikh: Sannu Ibrahima
Ibrahima: Sannu Cheikh
Cheikh: Kwana biou
Ibrahima: Lafiya lau. Ina ayuka?
Cheikh: Lafiya. Ka na Wisconsin ne ko ka na Nigeria?
Ibrahima: Ina Nigeria.
Cheikh: Da kyau. A Wisconsin wani yanayi ku ki da shi?
Ibrahima: A Wisconsin da aki da shi da yanayi hudu. Akwai damina, akwai zafi, akwai bazara, da akwai sanyi.
Cheikh: Wani yanayi aki ciki yanzu a Wisconsin?
Ibrahima: Akwai sanyi.
Cheihk: Yaya yanayi sanyi?
Ibrahima: Akwai sanyi sosai, na sha wahala.
Test your comprehesion!