Worksheet: “Just,” “Merely,” or “Simply” in Luganda
Translate the following sentences into Luganda.
- He is just studying.
- I am just walking.
- We are just playing.
- They are just watching.
- She is just listening.
- He was just sitting.
- We were just farming.
- I am just thinking.
- You are just eating.
- We are just preparing food.
- You (plural) are just cooking.
- I am just relaxing.
- They were just sending messages.
- We are just negotiating.
- He was just crying.
- The rain was just raining.
- The car was just waiting,
- The minutes were just passing.
- The leaves were just entering the house.
- The bird was just flying.
Answer key:
- Asoma busomi.
- Ntambula butambuzi.
- Tuzzanya buzzani.
- Balaba bulabi.
- Awulirira buwulirizi.
- Yatuula butuuzi.
- Twalima bulimi.
- Ndowooza bulowoozi.
- Olya buli.
- Tuteekateeka buteesiteesi.
- Mufumba bufumbi.
- Mpuumula buwuumuzi.
- Bbasindika busindiisi obubaka.
- Tuteesa buteesi.
- Yakaaba bukaabi.
- Enkuba etoonya butooni.
- Emmotoka elinda bulindi.
- Eddakika liyita buyisi.
- Ebikoola biyingira buyingiri ennyumba.
- Ekinyoonyi kyabuuka bubuusi.